“If we want to know how fast a human being can run, then it is no use to average the speed of ‘good sample’ of the population; it is better to collect Olympic medal winners and see how well they can do.” –  Abraham Maslow, well-known American psychologist

In my previous article, I made a point that it’s high time organizations empower and engage everyone to be future leaders and not just a select few.  I went on to advocate that it is both desirable and achievable for companies and individuals to develop 10X Leaders.  A 10X Leader is someone who is more effective and productive than an average leader by a factor of 10.  Someone just like Yoda, a Jedi master.

Now how do we achieve this?  Former Harvard Professor Tal Ben Shahar and his colleague Angus Ridgway ex-McKinsey Head of Leadership Development did a study on the very best leaders namely 10X leaders in organisations.  They found that these 10X leaders have five performance enhancing factors that are common: SHARP.  SHARP creates leaders.  To use the Star Wars metaphor, SHARP increased the levels of midi-chlorians that allow young padawans to harness the force within thus becoming a 10X leader or Jedi master.

SHARP stands for Strength, Health, Absorption, Relationship and Purpose. 10X leaders exhibit qualities of SHARP in their daily lives be it at work or personal setting.  10X Leaders know and leverage their strengths in everything that they do. 10X Leaders know that health is important and it’s what gives them that ump! Leaders are focused, mindful and absorbed in what they do.  10X Leaders cultivate positive and authentic relationships with their peers, friends and colleagues. Last but not least, 10X leaders find purpose and inspiration in what they do every day.

SHARP separates Olympic athletes from the average athlete.  It sets 10X leaders apart from average leaders.  To put things in context, let’s consider two leaders who started their careers at the same time. Twenty years have passed and the lives of these two leaders have taken different trajectories. One of them has flourished and assumed senior leadership positions. This leader has achieved great success. I will address the definition of success in my last article of this leadership series.  Meanwhile the life of the other leader has taken a turn for the worse.  This leader is in the state of constant drift, disconnected and disinterested.  In fact, this leader is downright unhappy.

Some may call this luck. Yes, may be! The question is should organizations and individuals do something to change this predicament.  According to “Leadership is broken” survey by DDI it states that “plugged in” leaders have three times less employee turnover and 83% of them led their teams to exceed their productivity goals.  Therefore it pays to have your leaders in the flow.

It is possible to move average leaders and disconnected leaders into peak performance zones similar to 10X leaders through SHARP.  So buckle up, hold on to your seats as we take you to the next phase of your journey in exploring the world of SHARP.  Till then may the force be with you.

Suvit Chansrichawla, next-generation HR consultant under the brand Serendipity&Co., partner of the Curve Group in Thailand.