“In physics, energy is defined as the ability to do work.”

Have you ever come across a colleague or manager at work who seems to have tons of energy? And the amazing thing is that he or she seem to be able to do it day in day out despite taking on heavy load of work and not to mention stress. It is as if they are on a wonder drug. This group of people has what we called healthy habits. Similarly 10x leaders know that health is key to being effective and high performance. Health is the “H” of the acronym SHARP* model.

Let’s define what we mean by health. Health is not work-life balance. Health is not reducing stress. And health is not about time management either. For 10x leaders, health is about managing stress and recovery. The goal of 10x leader is not to embrace stress. In fact, for 10x leader, stress is a healthy thing. 10x leaders know that some stress is necessary for growth and success. Studies in major neuroscience departments at Baylor, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Mt. Sinai in Manhattan are all proving that the brain has built in reward systems for achievement and discovery during periods of stress. Being awake and engaged in order to get something great accomplished under pressure produces a high in the brain.

So stop trying to reduce stress. Instead focus on recovery. Recovery allows your body and mind to recuperate from stress. If your attitude is work till you drop, a time will come when you will just collapse and harm your health. Athletes know this and have recovery routines built in as part of their training.

The best part is recovery is free. It’s called sleep. If you want to function at your peak strive to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Researchers at Harvard medical school found that in the US, lack of sleep costs employers up to $31 billion annually. When the supertanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Alaska in 1989, destroying wildlife and spilling 258,000 barrels of crude oil in the process, the crew had just put in a 22-hour shift loading the oil onto the ship.

For companies that strive to achieve the best and push employees to do their best. It’s alright. But don’t forget about health. Educate your line managers and leaders to recover from stress. This is equally important.

Occasionally burning the midnight oil is ok. Get your sleep and recharge your Jedi batteries. You will feel that the force within you increasing exponentially. Till next time, enjoy your sleep and your work stress will suddenly feel small.

Suvit Chansrichawla, next-generation HR consultant under the brand Serendipity&Co.

*SHARP model developed by ex-Harvard Professor Tal Ben Shahar and his colleague Angus Ridgway ex-McKinsey Head of Leadership Development.